This post is all about our impressions on the brand new Common Sense Science Plants Study. Common Sense Science is the latest release from Common Sense Press, and they sent…
Curriculum Review of Idlewild & Company
This post is a review of Idlewild and Company’s Bible and nature study curriculum. I’m excited to share a review of Idlewild & Company’s Bible and nature study curriculum. I…
Homeschooling with a Charter School
This post is all about the pros and cons of homeschooling with a charter school. A few weeks ago, I polled Instagram to see if there were any questions regarding…
2023 Summer Homeschool Plans
This post is all about our 2023 summer homeschool plans. The reason I prefer a year-round approach to education feels very organic. On its own, homeschooling by nature takes on…
Review: A Gentle Feast Curriculum
Have you been interested in A Gentle Feast Curriculum, but finding yourself confused with not enough information? I’m going to break down our year using A Gentle Feast so you…
Homeschool Curriculum: Early Years
This post is all about the dream homeschool curriculum I would choose if I could go back in time to the early elementary years. I started homeschooling when my first…