This post is all about our impressions on the brand new Common Sense Science Plants Study.
Common Sense Science is the latest release from Common Sense Press, and they sent me a copy to review. They also gave me a discount code to offer blog readers, which is listed below for you! Although we already have our science selected for the 2023-2024 school year, I was excited to take a look at the format and style.
What is the most difficult subject for you to find curricula for? For me, it is science. Part of the reason is that I want to find something that can fit a greater range of ages so we can study science as a family for as long as possible. As someone who is not confident teaching science, I appreciate an easy to follow curriculum.
Let’s explore together at how Common Sense Science is designed to be used. If you’re looking for an option for science next school year, keep reading for an in depth review of the Plants Study.
This post is a curriculum review of the brand new Common Sense Science Plants Study.
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First Impressions
The first thing I noticed when looking at the Plants Study was that it appears to be very hands-on and open-and-go. The book itself is not overwhelming or daunting, but visibly thin, with short lessons. Relatedly, if you have ever used Learning Language Arts Through Literature, their well known language arts curriculum, it has the same vibe of simplicity.
Plant Study Books
The Plants Study and the Plants Student Materials Packet are sold separately. The Plants Study book contains the short lessons, which are about 1 to 2 pages per lesson. They list out the materials needed, vocabulary words introduced, and scripted directions. The Student Materials Packet is optional, and includes cut out worksheets reinforcing the vocabulary words and some drawn illustrations to match them up with.
Some topics covered in the Plants Study:
- Photosynthesis
- Transpiration
- Plant Responses
- Plant Reproduction
- Plant Classification
- Mosses, Ferns, Seeds, Stems
- Flowers
- Pollination
- Tree Trunks
The Details of Common Sense Science
A New Science Curriculum?
Surprisingly to me, this curriculum isn’t actually brand new to Common Sense Press. They have replaced and updated the Great Science Adventures with Common Sense Science. The materials covered remain the same, but the layout and presentation is much easier to use. More typical of this brand’s style, it is open and go in layout, which is in line with their teaching philosophy.
Each concept is designed to be taught for grades 1 through 6. With flexibility, you can use these studies for a single grade level, homeschooling multiple children, or in a co-op setting. The lessons are scripted and organized for 18 three-day weeks. Each book lasts about a semester, so you can complete 2 topics in a year, or spread it out over a full school year.
Science Topics Available
Common Sense Science have two titles released – Plants and Oceans (both available as of May 24, 2023). The next topics scheduled to release (in this order) are:
- Earth’s Landforms and Surface Features
- Human Body
- Tools and Technology
- Insects and Arachnids
- Vertebrates
- Space
- Atoms, Molecules, and Matter
- Atmosphere and Weather
Doesn’t Tools and Technology sound interesting? I’m looking forward to see what that study covers. Earth’s Landforms and Human Body are launching on their website this summer.
Approach to Science
Common Sense Science definitely takes a hands-on-approach to science that makes complicated concepts not only easy to understand, but fun to learn. I see a lot of graphic organizers in various lessons, which will allow students to interact with the content to reinforce their lesson.
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My Thoughts
This appears to be a very easy to implement science study. I like that they will have a lot of science topics to select from as the years progress so you can pull from your own children’s interests and even area of residence. Also, being able to fit in 2 topics each school year can keep the momentum and curiosity alive. If you’d like to give anything from their shop a try (we love the ease of Learning Language Arts Through Literature), you can use the code “juicebox” for 15% off anything in their shop!
This post was all about the Plants Study from Common Sense Press.
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[…] Review of Common Sense Science: Plants […]