Interested in homeschooling in California, but don’t know where to start?
Are you interested in homeschooling in California, but just have no idea how to begin? Maybe you love the idea of it, but want to make sure you are following the rules correctly.
In California, there are definitely some things you need to know before you jump in. Whether legal or practical, you want to be certain that your homeschool diploma will stand.
In this blog post, I’ll break down how to homeschool in California in the most simplest way. Additionally, I will provide places you can visit to collect more information.
This post is all about how to start homeschooling in California.
Homeschooling in California: First Steps
Whether you have never enrolled your child in a school before or you need to withdraw from your current school, the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, or HSLDA, will be your very first stop. They have some important requirements listed by state so you know your viable options.
Some homeschool-at-a-glance facts you’ll see on their site specifically for California (dated 10/10/23):
- Required ages for schooling: 6-18 years old
- No immunization requirements
- No assessments required
Options to Homeschool in California?
There are currently 3 options to legally homeschool in California.
1. Homeschooling as a Home-Based Private School
With this first option, you can file a private school affadavit through the California Department of Education. This should be filed between 10/1-10/15 annually in the year prior. Instruction must be completed in English, and in the courses commonly taught in the public school such as math, language arts, social studies, etc. Keep record of attendance and courses of study.
I have had several homeschool friends who have chosen this option in California. Their report is that this option offers them a great amount of freedom of educational choices, which they appreciate. Check this link for more details on the private school affadavit option.
2. Homeschooling with a Private School Satellite Program
For this option, you are homeschooling under a private school satellite program (PSP), which meets all the requirements for operating as a private school. While you are under their umbrella by enrolling in a PSP, the homeschooling is primarily completed at home.
The private school satellite program is the one I am most familiar with. I started my homeschool journey by enrolling with a local PSP. I really appreciated having the guidance of a school counselor, hand holding in record keeping, and activities we could opt in to like field trips and science or craft fairs. There was a small annual fee to be a part of our PSP.
3. Homeschooling with a Private Tutor
California’s third option for homeschooling involves instruction by a California credentialed teacher is considered exempt from the public education system. There are some regulations such as the student must have instruction for 3 hours a day for 175 days of the year. Visit this site for all the details on this option.
While this is a bite size summary of the requirements for homeschooling in California, please exercise diligence in research to make sure you choose the best option for your family.
How Hard is it to Homeschool High School in California?
It is our first year homeschooling high school in California. We currently are homeschooling with a public charter school, and they have helped with guidance in walking me through each step. Our freshman’s course load is:
- English 9 Honors
- World History A/B
- Biology 1 Honors
- Geometry
- Dance 1A/B
- Japanese 1A/B
We chose a variety of vendors and curriculum for her first year. Some courses are funded by our charter school, some are paid for out of pocket, and one is free from our local community college! The community college offers dual enrollment for certain courses for high school students, and the benefit is that tuition is typically free.
The support from our charter school has been worth it for my family. While not for everyone, they are a great resource for my college-bound high schooler for suggestions. I use these high school worksheets to record keep as an intial draft, and then transfer them to our official charter school records.
Popular California Homeschool Conventions
Homeschool conventions are a great way to gain a lot of information and ask questions in person. There are inspirational speakers full of practical and motivational information. You will be able to meet other homeschoolers. It is also really nice to talk to curriculum representatives and get a feel for the material that is currently out there for your unique family.
Popular California Homeschool Conventions:
- Great Homeschool Conventions
- Christian Home Educator’s Association of California (CHEA)
- Northern California Homeschool Convention
Our Experience Homeschooling in California
Personally, I have found that the PSP option has worked well for our family at this time. There is just the right amount of freedom and guidelines for my style and needs. I work well with some type of framework, with a decent amount of room to fill in the blanks.
This post was all about homeschooling in California.
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