This post is all about our experience using CM Simple Studies seasonally in our homeschool.
I stumbled on CM Simple Studies when I needed something grab-and-go for my then Kindergartener. Nothing bulky and easily portable, but still valuable and enjoyable were my goals.
Meadow Creatures from CM Simple Studies sounded perfect! She was working on a television show at the time (acting is one of her hobbies), and spending a few days a week on a set. We did 3 hours of school on set each day, and Meadow Creatures was the right fit.
Since then, I have found that these studies have been helpful in different seasons of our homeschool. Crystal has created many guides spanning from nature studies to fairy tales to history guides.
This post is all about our review of CM Simple Studies and how we incorporate them in our homeschool.
What is CM Simple Studies
CM Simple Studies is a Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum created by a fellow homeschool mom, Crystal. Crystal was inspired after reading through Charlotte’s volumes to create something truly simple, which utilized beautiful living books.
Each lesson includes an assigned chapter to read from a living chapter or picture book. There are supplemental book suggestions (my favorite part to bring to the library) on the same topic. Also included are relevant coloring pages, some diagrams, or video links for further investigation.
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An Example of a CM Simple Study
How We Used The Meadow Creatures Study
- We read the assigned chapter from Among the Meadow People, which is free on Kindle!
- Printed out the included coloring page. Instead of coloring it, my daughter used it as a reference to draw the creature in her blank sketchbook.
- I pull together the suggested books found at the library for the lesson, and read aloud to her while she colors and labels her drawing.
How to Fit This in Your Schedule
This time of year is when we can easily get sluggish. Can you relate? Sometimes substituting or adding in something fresh, no matter how small, can give us a boost of energy to push on, and finish the year strong.
When I do a CM Simple Study, I replace our regularly scheduled science curriculum or use it as a nature study. I used the America study when spent last summer studying the United States. I brought the English Fairy Tales guide when my daughter was working on another acting job and had to school on set.
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Also, our history curriculum, A Gentle Feast, often incorporates the same series of living books. We have paired Forest Creatures, Pond Creatures, Farmyard Animals, Night Creatures, and next up is Dooryard Stories with A Gentle Feast. So I would add in the CM Simple Studies to supplement with the reading, and it fit in so well.
[RELATED POST: A Mid-Year Review of Beautiful Feet Books History of Science]
The Name Fits!
Easy right? That is it! CM Simple Studies is truly a simple study, and stays in line with the Charlotte Mason style or learning that we enjoy. This has been a great addition, and sometimes substitution, to what we needed in different seasons of homeschooling.
This post is all about the simplicity and beauty of CM Simple Studies homeschool curriculum.
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This looks so neat! Curious if you had to choose, if you have a favorite between Simple Studies America vs. Beautiful Feet Early American primary and differences? Thank you!
Hi Kelly! If I was going to use a full curriculum with a lot of options, I would use Beautiful Feet. If I wanted to supplement or have a lighter load for history, I would choose CM Simple Studies! I have found myself in both seasons so each serves a great purpose. Beautiful Feet Books has more rabbit trails, book suggestions, and hands on activities such as recipes and crafts. Simple Studies is just that – great literature recommendations on the topic, but keeps its promise of staying simple to use and execute!