This post is all about our 2023-2024 homeschool curriculum picks for 9th grade, 6th grade, and 3rd grade.
Our 2023-2024 homeschool curriculum choices are in. It’s the most wonderful time of the (homeschool) year! This is the first time I’ll be homeschooling an elementary, middle school, and high school student all at the same time. Two of my children are stepping into new territory, and I’m so excited for what is ahead for them!
I am heading into my 10th year of homeschooling. I can hardly believe I’m saying that considering that my first year doesn’t seem that long ago. Here I am now, looking at high school transcripts for my once little kindergartener. It sure does fly by, friends. So thankful we have a little extra time together provided by the gift of home education.
Actually, my favorite time is when get to start diving into all of the wonderful books. However, my second favorite time of the homeschool year is when we figure out what we will be using. I share with you in hopes that you might find something that may work well with your family in these years or down the line too!
This post is all about our 2023-2024 homeschool curriculum choices for 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade.
[RELATED POST: 2022-2023 homeschool curriculum choices]
2023-2024 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 3rd Grade
Let’s just start with my most favorite subject. You know, the one I used to loathe back when I was in school (so thankful for this redeemed education opportunity!).
I have always had a great experience with literature based history curricula, so we decided to go with Early American History Intermediate from Beautiful Feet Books. This literature pack comes with so many great titles, and we enjoy the simplicity, variety, and ease of their guides. Beautiful Feet Books is the first time I ventured into a Charlotte Mason style of education earlier on, which lends them a special place in my homeschool heart.
Even though their literature pack looks beautiful, we will be making one substitution. I have looked through A Child’s First Book of American History in the past, and remember we didn’t care for it. So, we’ll be reading through A Kid’s Guide Through Native American History and also The World of Columbus and Sons as a substitution.
If you read my blog post about how to choose curriculum, you may remember I suggested shopping your shelves for curriculum you already had. This applies here because we’ll also be using Early Modern & Epistles to cover a bit more of this time period. I purchased this used a couple years back knowing I love these rich lessons (Bible and History). It also has specific independent reading suggestions for each form, which we have consistently enjoyed as well.
Language Arts
This year, we’ll be returning to Learning Language Arts Through Literature (or LLATL). My 3rd grader is more of a 4th grade level, so a lot of the curriculum you see will be suitable for either 3rd or 4th grade level depending on your specific child. We’ll be going through the Orange book, which my son used a couple years ago. Feel free to use my discount code “juicebox” for 15% off anything on their site.
Here is the literature for the Orange book:
- The Boxcar Children, #1 by Gertrude Chandler Warner
- Wilbur and Orville Wright by Augusta Stevenson
- Ben and Me by Robert Lawson
- The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
[RELATED POST: Review of Learning Language Arts Through Literature]
For writing and grammar, she will start Structure and Style for Students: Year 1, Level A from IEW. We’ll pair that with Fix It Grammar Level 1. I’m not sure yet if we’ll use an online class with this course as I did with my son. We’ve been using IEW to teach writing for years, and I have been so pleased with the quality of technique they have learned through the program.
[RELATED POST: Writing Curriculum for Pre-K through High School]
For spelling and handwriting, she will return to A Reason For Level D. My discount code is TRISHA20 for 20% off anything in the shop.
I’ll also have my younger two children use Word Up! from Compass Classroom. It is a vocabulary online lesson, which we’ll use throughout the year as a fun boost in vocabulary.
This is my girl who has used Right Start Math from the beginning. She is currently working through Level D. We don’t really start and stop this curriculum perfectly at the end of a level, so after a short summer break, we’ll pick back up where ever we left off. Short lessons with manipulatives have worked well for the two of us.
Per my daughter’s request, we’ll supplement with Simply Good and Beautiful Math Level 4. She actually already started for fun. I picked up Level 3 last year, and she completed it independently on the alternate days I did a Right Start lesson with my son. She enjoyed it so much that when I gave her the option, she opted to continue with the next level. In her eyes, it is fun, colorful, and she likes that she gets to learn about geography, different cultures, and learn other facts while simultaneously learning math.
This was the hardest subject to fulfill. I have tried a number of science curricula. It isn’t a subject I want to craft myself, and I’m not consistent about pulling together materials for experiments. So, I was looking for semi-open-and-go, with a lab kit preassembled, and more challenging than a literature based study. Gasp! I know. I’m open to an engaging textbook this year.
So after looking at what felt like all that is out there, I came back to our dear friend, Apologia. I have heard great things about their Chemistry and Physics study, which is designed for K-6th grade. The one study from Apologia we really loved was Swimming Creatures. I thought some of the other studies were a little above our level, so now that they will be 3rd and 6th, I feel we will learn a lot in this season!
Nature Study
Going back to using what we already have, I’ll use the California Nature Guide from Chickie and Roo along with these cute state notebooks from Mornings Together. These notebooks are available for each of the 50 states, and are under $6 at the time I’m writing this.
Art and Enrichment
I found this amazing holistic nutrition curriculum that I cannot wait to dive into! It is written by a Christian dietician, and looks beautiful. If you want to check it out, you can use the code JUICEBOX for 15% off!
For physical education, all of my kids are involved in afterschool competitve teams, but we will also go through the F.O.R.M. curriculum, which is a faith-based fitness curriculum.
We will all continue through Watercolor School in our loop schedule.
We’ve used Yellow Spot Sun for history based art lessons for the past two years. Highly recommend for easy to implement, video-based, art history for elementary age children. I can vouch for Architects of the Ancient World (Ancient History) and Kindly Kingdoms (Medieval History). We’ll try Drawing Americana for Families to pair with Early American History this school year.
For musical instrument, we’ll continue with Hoffman Academy for online piano lessons. This has been going really well, and I love that we can work on this from the convenience of home. Use the code LEARN with my link for a discount!
For Music Appreciation, my kids love the Squilt Live classes. Miss Mary does such a wonderful job sharing her passion for music. Each month has a theme, and there is a huge archive of classes.
Summary: 3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2023-2024
we’ll see how it goes!
- Early American History Intermediate
- Learning Language Arts Through Literature – The Orange Book (use “juicebox” for a discount)
- Structure and Style for Writing Level 1 and Fix It Grammar Level 1
- A Reason For Spelling and Handwriting Level D
- Right Start Math Level D/E and Simply Good and Beautiful Math Level 4
- Chemistry & Physics
- Watercolor School, Art History, Holistic Nutrition, Faith-Based Fitness, and Online Piano Lessons + Music Appreciation
2023-2024 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 6th Grade
My 6th grader will be working with my 3rd grader and I in Early American History Intermediate. This will be our main history curriculum, and we’ll work through the Simply Charlotte Mason guide I mentioned above for some extra independent reading and Bible and geography.
Language Arts
This will be his 6th year using IEW, and he’ll be moving into Structure and Style for Students Year 1 Level B along with Fix It Grammer Level 3. This curriculum has been so helpful in strengthening some weak spots in writing, and we’ll continue to plug away at it this next school year.
We’ll make the switch back to Learning Language Arts Through Literature The Tan Book. This will cover some additional areas of language arts like spelling, dictation, analogies, and a variety of creative writing. Feel free to use my code “juicebox” for 15% off anything in their shop!
Here are the literature selections from the Tan Book:
- Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Latham
- The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
- Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard
- The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
We’ll move into Spelling and Handwriting Level F from A Reason For. Their last level for these two subjects! Use TRISHA20 for 20% off anything in the shop.
Another language arts class we have enjoyed with my oldest has been literature classes at Redefining School (use JUICE5 for $5 off any class). We will try this with my new middle schooler, as it is so enjoyable, and Mindy has such a gift of teaching at this level!
For math, he will continue on with Right Start Level E, and possibly move into Level F at some point in the year. We’ll supplement with Simply Good and Beautiful Math Level 6 on the days he completes math independently. I alternate days I teach math with my 3rd and 6th grader since Right Start is teacher intensive, and this rotation has proved great for us so far.
[RELATED POST: Curriculum Review of Right Start Math]
I’ll be combining my 3rd and 6th graders for the remaining subjects. We’ll be using Chemistry & Physics from Apologia. I’ll be purchasing a lab kit that goes along with this study because I found that we actually do the experiments when I have the kit conveniently on hand.
Nature Study, Art, and Enrichment
See my 3rd grade selections for these choices with all the links and descriptions above! When I can combine students, it makes it really efficient for time.
Summary: 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2023-2024
Excited for this line up!
- Early American History Intermediate
- Learning Language Arts Through Literature – The Tan Book
- Structure and Style for Writing Level 2A and Fix It Grammar Level 3
- Spelling and Handwriting Level F, Middle School Lit Class
- Right Start Math Level E/F and Simply Good and Beautiful Math Level 6
- Chemistry & Physics
- Watercolor School, Art History, Holistic Nutrition, Faith-Based Fitness, and Online Piano Lessons + Music Appreciation
2023-2024 Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 9th Grade
We are homeschooling high school with a charter school. So, while it is still very much homeschooling, we are fulfilling the A-G requirements for our state since we don’t know which route she wants to take post-high school. This leaves her options open as we work to narrow down her decisions.
I’ll do a more thorough post on our process approaching high school in the future. I have high school worksheet templates that have been helpful to me in preparing, so I’ve made them available to you in the shop.
For the first time in years, my oldest will be doing her very own history curriculum. I researched so much for this one, and I think we found a gem. She’ll be going through World History with Notgrass History.
They have option to earn a Bible and a Language Arts credit, but we will only be using this for a history credit. However, she will be reading the literature suggestions just for enjoyment. I’ll give a full review of this as we get deeper into the curriculum, but from the research I have done, it looks solid and well done.
Language Arts
For years, we have been with IEW, which has truly shaped the structure and style of all my children’s writing habits well. I feel confident after using many years of their writing curricula that my daughter is prepared for high school level composition.
For freshman year, she will be taking Honors English Language Arts online.
The description of the course sounds wonderfully challenging, and you can tell they will be doing a lot of writing and reading. I have heard nice things from a friend of ours who has homeschooled through graduation. I’ll report back on how this works out!
High school math, eek! Not my specialty, but she will try a Geometry course online this year. It seems very textbook based, but there are live online classes with an instructor, and office hours, so I know I will appreciate this support in the months to come. Very new territory for us here!
Another new venture for us, but she will be taking Honors Biology online for her science credit. I have heard wonderful things about the instructor and course from friends. Science has become one of her favorite subjects recently, so I’m hoping that a passionate teacher on the subject of biology will be very helpful.
Foreign Language
I have paperwork in place to attempt online concurrent enrollment for foreign language at a community college. This is our first time venturing this direction, so it is all new to me! It is not for sure that we will try this route, but I will keep you posted on how that works out.
Our daughter is on a competitive dance team and accumulates way more hours than required by the state for physical education. There is a log where we will track her hours of activity, so she will easily receive her Physical Education credit for the year.
A course I had been waiting on was Intro to Public Speaking from IEW. We’ll actually start this together before the summer, but will continue it into her 9th grade year until completion. I think this will be a fun one to work through together!
My oldest has always loved fine arts, so she will continue with Watercolor School and graphic arts classes on Skillshare weekly.
Last year, my daughter took the Intro to Logic course from Masterbooks. It was challenging and eye opening for both of us! Enough so that we decided to give the next series called Cultural Issues Volume 1: Creation, Evolution, and the Bible a try. The study includes a Teacher Guide, along with two intimidating looking books. The topics appear difficult, but we will move forward through it at our own pace for understanding.
Summary: 9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2023-2024
please pray for us 🙂
- World History
- Honors English Language Arts
- Intro to Public Speaking
- Geometry course
- Honors Biology
- Cultural Issues
- Foreign Language at the local community college
- Dance
- Watercolor School and graphic design courses
2023-2024 Homeschool Curriculum
Those are our choices for this upcoming school year! As we move through, there is always that chance we tweak or change something, so if that happens, I will update this post. I hope this post helps give you some ideas of what you may or may not like.
Keep in mind if you are a newer homeschooler that there is a time and season for everything. You may need a lot less curriculum or you may seek more help in a specific area. Shopping your shelves is always a great idea, and I share what we do only to inspire and spark ideas. No two homeschools are identical, and that is exactly as it ought to be.
Feel free to reach out with questions here or on Instagram. We will continue to do a morning time together as a family, and I’ll share that in a different post.
This post was all about our 2023-2024 homeschool curriculum choices.
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